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    1. A Message from Your Instructor - Pat Council

    2. Download 7 Ways to Create the Flow of Money

    3. Before you go...

    1. Pay Attention to Your Goals

    1. Creating Your Power Plan of Action

    2. Let's Create a Plan

    3. Plan Creation Continued

    4. The Power Plan of Action Final Step

    1. Shift Your Perspective

    2. 5 Skills to Increase Focus and Achievement

    3. What Prevents Focus

    1. Effective Follow Through and Systemized Tracking

    1. Working in the Energy of Success 1

    2. Working in the Energy of Success 2

About this course

  • $89.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content

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  • Flow of Money

    Gain free access to listen to: "7 Ways to Create the Flow of Money". ($29.00 value)

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